

Perspektives on Womens prison- Elephant in the Room

According to the Federal Statistical Office 2996 women were in German prisons on 30 November. Who are these women?

What are they being punished for? How many of them even identify themselves as women? Prison fulfils a structural function, for example in the administration of poverty. But what role do women*prisons fulfil? How do they help to maintain a patriarchal gender-biased system?
History of Women's prisons
Women in Prison- Statistics
Situation in prison
Mother/Child Situation
Demo on 7. March to JVA Chemnitz

Autor: BlackRose

Radio: coloradio Datum: 24.02.2020

Länge: 59:13 min. Bitrate: 112 kbit/s

Auflösung: Stereo (44100 kHz)